Reviews in UrologyReviews In Urology relaunch is Now LiveUnder new ownership of Specialty Networks, urology-focused, peer-reviewed journal Reviews in Urology begins publication again.
Reviews in Urology, the official journal of LUGPA, announced plans in January 2024 to relaunch in late March/early April following a short publishing hiatus. New publisher Specialty Networks will continue the journal’s longstanding focus on cutting-edge urology advances while expanding coverage to feature an even broader range of urological conditions and specialty care concerns. First published in 1999, Reviews in Urology is a PubMed-indexed, quarterly journal featuring peer reviews, case studies, thought leader interviews, and insights on emerging trends and research shaping the field of urology today. “We are very happy to partner with Specialty Networks to relaunch Reviews in Urology,” said Evan Goldfischer, MD, President of LUGPA, the only nonprofit urology trade association in the U.S. “The official journal of LUGPA serves as a crucial platform for our organization to disseminate cutting-edge research, share advancements, and foster academic dialogue within our community.” “We are honored for our Reviews in Urology publication to be designated as the official journal of LUGPA and further strengthen our partnership and commitment to LUGPA’s mission of preserving and advancing the independent practice of urology,” said Specialty Networks’ CEO, Shailendra Sharma.
The journal’s newly revamped editorial strategy will continue to focus on news to support private practice urologists, while adding new sections spotlighting trends affecting others within the broader field of urology, including advanced nurse practitioners, clinical health navigators, and practice administrators. Under the leadership of new editor-in-chief Neal D. Shore, MD, associate editor David M. Albala, MD, and members of the journal’s revamped, representative editorial board, each quarterly issue will include insights on topics such as:
Jeff Arnold of Opt-in Communications, LLC will serve as the journal’s managing editor, working in partnership with Specialty Networks. Subsequent issues of Reviews in Urology will continue to be mailed free of charge to practicing U.S. urologists. Others can freely access its articles online at Reviews in Urology. TO SUBSCRIBE CLICK HERE