LUGPA’s Executive Leadership Program
DEADLINE HAS PASSED - Stay Tuned for Next Year's Call for Applicants The program will dive deep into communications, finance, team-building, motivation, negotiations, conflict resolution, quality improvement, decision-making, and more.
AAPL Partnership LUGPA is proud to work with American Association for Physician Leadership (AAPL) to provide this program. The AAPL has provided physicians with the knowledge and skills required to become better leaders for over 40 years. Training more than 1000 physicians each year, the AAPL’s goal is to maximize the potential of physician leadership. When physicians exhibit consistent leadership skills, they can transform their teams and organizations. That transformation benefits patient outcomes and improves the state of the healthcare industry as a whole.
Who Should Apply? The program is designed for urology physicians or administrators 5-15 years out of training who are members of a LUGPA group. Currently, advanced practice providers (APPs) and other staff are not eligible. Individuals who strive to improve their leadership abilities and business acumen to rise to new heights in their practice or the urological community as a whole will find this experience valuable. Kickoff and Leadership Self-Assessment
After participating in a kick-off orientation, the cohort will embark on a self-evaluation using the CPI 260 Leadership Assessment tool. The CPI 260 interprets how others perceive respondents as a leader and has been customized to map competencies specific to physician leaders. This instrument contains 260 items carefully selected from the California Psychological Inventory assessment to identify an individual’s strengths and areas for development. After an individual learns more about their personal leadership style, they will begin online courses that will help them build skills that will make them a more well-rounded leader. Online Courses Will Cover:
Fundamentals of Physician Leadership: Communication
Fundamentals of Physician Leadership: Finance
Fundamentals of Physician Leadership: Negotiation
Fundamentals of Physician Leadership: Quality
Fundamentals of Physician Leadership: Influence
Applied Leadership – Participant Chosen Courses After completion of fundamentals, participants will work on advanced leadership techniques by selecting elective course to fit their needs. Topics include: DISC assessment, dyad leadership, managing strategic change, managing physician performance, dealing with disruptive physicians, group dynamics, motivating others, organizational politics, conflict resolution, HR administration, and payer contracting. Participants will apply what they have learned by completing a final project that either highlights their personal growth, demonstrates a practical, implementable solution for a group practice, or showcases an advancement that benefits patients, the medical field or independent physicians in some way.
Graduation Cohort members will be recognized at the LUGPA Annual Meeting in November. Selection Criteria, Application, and Pricing Information
TO APPLY: The deadline to apply for 2024 was Sept. 22, 2024. Visit this page in Summer 2025 for updates. Personal essays and a letter from the applicant’s group practice must be sent to [email protected] via email. Applicants meeting these criteria will be considered for one of five opportunities to participate in the LUGPA Executive Leadership Program. The candidate must have an interest in developing these skills to serve their practices and LUGPA as future volunteer leaders and committee members.